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What Mum Really Wants…

Maya Griffiths

Maya Griffiths

Forget the chocolates! Mums just want some time alone, or a cleaner to visit.

What do you normally help your kids organise for Mother’s Day? Flowers, perhaps? Chocolates? Or do you encourage them to make a wonky (but adorable) homemade card?

While it can be easy to reach for the go-to woman-friendly presents, it’s worth considering whether what your partner actually needs is a break and some well-earned rest from her daily responsibilities.

Here are some creative ideas that are guaranteed to go down well:

– Design mum a voucher. The kids can get creative with their art materials and create a personalised voucher for an afternoon of precious free time for mum. Perhaps the kids could offer mum some tea and cake while she chills out.

– Hire a cleaner. If mum often moans about the cleaning then hiring a cleaner would make a perfect gift.

– Get baking. Mum would be very touched to receive some biscuits made and decorated by her kids.

– Make a card or poster celebrating mum. Use glitter, paint, glue, pop-up elements or whatever the kids can think of to make mum something special that she will keep forever.

– Let her put her feet up for the day and do some jobs for her. The kids can help with mum’s present by assisting you in cleaning up the house/ putting away the washing etc.

– Make her dinner. Get the kids involved to make a special family dinner while mum chills out.

– Design her some bath bombs. Bath bombs are easy and fun to make and the kids can add flowers from the garden or favourite scents to make them even more personal. For a finishing touch, give mum an hour of peace and tranquillity to enjoy her bath.

– Get busy in the kitchen with chocolate. Chocolate truffles are really easy to make and the kids can also decorate a box for mum to present them in.

– Book mum in for a manicure or a surprise massage. After all, she deserves some pampering.

– Take her out for a surprise meal with the kids for mother’s day. Bonus points for being the designated driver so she can enjoy a glass of wine!

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