The obvious holiday of choice for any pregnant lady is, of course, camping in Suffolk (preferably on a wet weekend in...
DAD BLOGS: New Dad Simon
Welcome to the Third Trimester
The big news this week is that we’ve waddled our way into the third trimester. According to the helpful emails...
Road trips and goal kicks
We embarked on a trip to celebrate my Mum’s birthday this week. Traveling with a pregnant wife has turned what was...
I’m getting emotional
Marriage has proved to be a learning curve. The word on the street is that women are, on the whole, more emotional...
A note on style
I used to have a theory that no matter how down I felt, all I needed was a Happy Meal and a hug and I'd be right back...
Baby, yes. Teenager, no.
Until recently, I had never thought about the baby boy my wife and I are expecting being anything other than a baby....
Stuff and Things
This week the world has mostly been telling me that I need more stuff. Well… that’s not entirely true… Perhaps the...
A perfect kind of normal
Being described as ‘normal’ is not something that usually sits well with the soul. But today was the day of our second...
One head, two arms, two legs…
By the time we headed for our first scan I was becoming increasingly comfortable with strangers talking about my...