If lockdown life has seen you pile on the extra pounds then fear not you’re not alone. A recent survey indicated a...
Bushcraft Dad
Bushcraft Dad, Lock-Down Living, ‘Do real things’ Dad.info last spoke to Nathan Beard about his Dad and Daughter days...
Staying safe online during the lockdown
The Coronavirus lockdown has steered all of us into uncharted territory, and no one is undergoing more change right...
Dad diets for his daughters
“If I hadn’t made that change I’d definitely be dead by now”. Danny Toffel’s own Dad died of diabetes 15 years ago and...
10 Gross but Common Infectious Diseases
No one told me I needed a nursing degree to raise my kids. If it isn’t one ailment it’s a full-blown stomach bug. Kids...
No one asks how new dads are feeling
Here at Dad.info HQ we read with interest the BBC's story (13th September 2019) about new Dad, Dave Edwards who at 33...
A POWERFUL boxer’s fight to be fit to father his children
"Three beers and then all you can think about is getting drugs" Dad, Sam Buchanan, is raising three children and...
Is Sex Addiction spoiling your relationship?
Is sex addiction spoiling your relationship? Stop that sniggering at the back... sex addiction is a serious...
Doggy Paddle isn’t enough
Days on the beach, mucking about on the river and round the pool. What do all these great days out have in common?...