You might wonder what the benefit is of having a bank account or prepaid bank card for an under-16 year old. You can...
Masculinity: why our ideas about it need to change
In a world where men often don't have an outlet for their emotions, Chris Hemmings is hoping for change. Bought up...
Here’s what to do if you have lost your partner
Becoming a single dad is always life changing, but when it is the result of the death of your partner, it's...
The dark side: how a lack of online safety impacts kids
We're probably all 'guilty' of spending too much time online and not enough in the real world, but at least for adults...
Can I really cope as a single dad?
Becoming a single dad is undoubtedly a life changing event, and therefore, it can bring with it the question of ‘will...
Kids grow up in the blink of an eye. Don’t miss it!
As parents of teens or grown-up kids will tell you, enjoy your child's young years as much as you can. Yes, we know...
Picky eaters: how to handle them
Trying to get little ones to eat a variety of foods (including vegetables- every young child's nemesis) can be a...
When the F bomb drops: how to talk about swearing with kids
We've all done it: you stub your toe on the corner of the table and mutter a rude word. Your kid's ears prick up. You...
Screen time damage can be mitigated by time spent outside, study finds
A new research study has shown that while screen time has negative effects on child development, those effects can be...