Have you ever seen yourself arguing? A look caught on camera, a reflection in glass. It’s not a pretty sight. When...
Four New Year Resolutions (you might actually keep!)
Ian Soars, CEO of Dad.info and Fegans talked to us about resolutions for 2020. Based on his past experience he has...
Living with an angry parent
If you are struggling with anger and you are directing that anger towards your spouse or perhaps even your children...
The joy of parenting
Well it can be joyful at times, but let’s face it, raising children is also hard and most of us have looked...
The After School Meltdown
I’m sure we’ve all been there. It is after school, the screaming is so loud you are genuinely worried the neighbours...
Astronaut Dad
Two American Dads - Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin At 3.17pm on the 20th July 1969, two families including six very...
Gambling with children’s futures
Raising our kids to gamble? Confession time! We are guilty of this at Dad.info. Living on the South Coast, at weekends...
Help… my kid is having a tantrum
Can mindfulness tame a tantrum? You're at the front of the ice cream queue, it's hot, the shop is rammed and you ask...