In a step family, you realise how complicated some issues can be, when something as simple as a name becomes a tricky...
Step Dad Questions
I don’t agree with how my partner parents her children, do I challenge or ignore it?
It is not uncommon for stepdads to feel that they do not completely agree with the way their partner parents. The...
Different parenting styles are causing our family friction, what can I do?
One of the main problems within step families is who disciplines whose children. The simple thing is to sit down with...
I don’t love my step children as much as I think I should, is this wrong?
One of the biggest myths which surrounds step families and step parenting is that you will come to love your step...
One of my step children doesn’t like me, what should I do?
It is human nature to want to be liked. When you are taking on the role as a stepdad and wanting to build a supportive...