While some forms of abuse, such as sexual or physical abuse, are easily identified, emotional abuse can be more...
Here’s why you shouldn’t smack your kids
There was a time when hitting kids as punishment was considered acceptable and normal, and took place in both schools...
"I haven’t spoken to my mother-in-law for two years. We haven’t quarrelled. I just didn’t like to interrupt her."...
I have a mental health disorder – how does this affect my partner?
Suffering from depression, anxiety disorders, or schizophrenia hurts not only the sufferer, but the partner too....
Adverse effects of parental alcoholism
What? You thought it wouldn't affect the kids later down the line? Having a problem with alcohol doesn’t just impact...
Rebuilding your relationship after an affair
The affair is out in the open. The disclosure in and of itself is consequential for the future of a couple’s...
Debt and your relationship: the struggle is real
It’s a fair to say that money worries, budgeting, and debt are among the main causes of conflict and stress among...
How Mental Health Affects Relationships
How we think and feel affects our behaviours and choices – many will agree. Feelings of sadness, pessimism and anxiety...
Sexual satisfaction: when things go wrong
It’s becoming quite common for men and women to experience either pain or anxiety during sex, with an increasing...