Today marks 'divorce day'- the day of the year when divorce lawyers see a surge of couples wanting to split. It's...
Veganuary: eat less meat and feel great!
You love meat? We hear you. Nobody says you have to give it up. But, we've come a long way since the days of cave men,...
Prostate problems: what you need to know
As it's Men's Mental Health Month (Movember) in November, Dad Info is focussing on awareness of men's health issues....
Ex-coastguard paramedic turned mental health campaigner Andy Elwood shares his tips for wellbeing
Having served as a paramedic in Afghanistan, and then as a winch paramedic in the RAF and Coastguard, Andy Elwood was...
Black Friday: don’t waste your cash
It's tempting, isn't it? The promise of bargains, money saved and Christmas all wrapped up. However, once you look...
Alcohol and you: do you have a healthy relationship?
This week is Alcohol Awareness Week- a campaign aimed at promoting a healthy relationship with drink. The week-long...
How stress affects your body- and what you can do about it
As parents we always have a lot on our plate, from juggling childcare and homework to kids' parties and activities....
Can art therapy benefit dads?
When Lydia Pell began researching subjects for her PHD, she discovered a huge gap in understanding the relationship...
Groundbreaking survey shows dads need recognition and support
A new research survey has found that 95% of dads feel they need more support for their mental health. The survey (link...