Being a parent is a full-time job in itself, so it's not surprising parents sometimes need more time off than their...
What if I’m self employed?
If you are employed, you have a legal right to paternity leave and pay, but it is not quite as simple if you are...
Who’s eligible and how do I get it?
If you are an employee and expecting a baby you could be entitled to paternity leave. Here we go through how you...
How long and how much?
How much time can you take off when the baby comes? And what will you be paid? Here's what you need to know... ...
Making the most of your paternity leave
Time off after the birth is about feeling at home with your baby and learning as much as possible. Paternity leave is...
Talking to teenagers
Because when that sweet, bright-eyed ball of cuteness you used to snuggle in your arms transforms into a hormonal...
Eating disorders: how to cope
Eating disorders can affect kids of any age, but are more prevalant amongst teenagers. Although they are more common...
Drugs: recognising and dealing with problems
With the media full of horror stories and sensationalist reporting, it's easy for any dad to fly into a panic when...
Teaching your child money sense
Learning about money Probably the most important thing to learn for any kid is the relationship between wanting...