Teenagers are growing up in probably the most difficult period in living memory. Self harm, mental health problems and...
Peer pressure and problems: a guide to teenage friendships
Secondary school can be a jungle. For some it may provide lifelong friendships; for others it can be a muddle of...
Navigating Teenage Relationships
Do you remember your first crush? The first time you caught sight of a certain girl at school and had that heart-boom...
Tears and Shouting: The Truth about Online Learning
We are in deepest, darkest January. It is cold, wet and miserable and we are locked in our homes. None of us expected...
How Parents Can Handle Aggression from their Teenager
What IS Going On Inside The Teenage Head? I am going to make a bold statement about understanding what is going...
Setting Boundaries for Teens
Let's talk about consequences. When it comes to putting boundaries and consequence natural and...
These top 10 tips have been produced by Voices in the Middle, which is a collaboration between young people,...
Talking to your daughter about periods
Despite half the population experiencing them at some point in their life, it’s fair to say that periods are still...
Seven steps to a happier teenager
If doors have started slamming in your house, don’t despair. There’s light at the end of the teenage tunnel… The...