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Tribal Teens

Tribal Teens

This great Parent Channel TV film helps us see the bigger picture and understand that sometimes it really is “just a...



Sexting what is it? Should we be worried about it? How can we stop our kids getting involved? We think this content is...

Mobile Madness

Mobile Madness

This short Parent Channel TV film helps us think about ways we can limit the cost and length of calls as well as teach...

Hormone Hijack 9-14

Hormone Hijack 9-14

This film gives some great advice and insight in to coping with the changing behaviour of a hormonal child, and tips...

How Do I Look?

How Do I Look?

In this Parent Channel TV film Sue Atkins offers us some advice and reassurance on how we can support our kids as they...

Body Awareness Issues

Body Awareness Issues

With younger children exposed to different ideas about health and beauty, how can you keep your little one confident...

Young Love

Young Love

This film unpacks what to expect from teenagers as they fall in and out of love and looks at ways to...

Friendship blues

Friendship blues

Friendships are an important part of your child’s development, providing an important place to explore their thoughts...

Friendship worries

Friendship worries

Best friends and worst enemies. Learn how to support and encourage your child’s friendships on their terms. Whether...

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