It's that time again: up and down the country parents are ironing uniforms, sticking name tags on to blazers and...
Starting secondary school: how to help kids make the transition
For thousands of children across the country the cosy, cuddly atmosphere of primary school is over and starting...
Starting school: what to expect
If your child is starting school next week, they might be feeling a little nervous. Rest assured that this is normal,...
What to consider when choosing a primary school
If your child turns 4 years old between 1 September and 31 August they will most likely start school in September this...
Back to School Nerves
Once again we are nearing the end of a lockdown; and the prospect of our kids returning to school. Their lives have...
It takes a village to raise a child
“Once children are five, school becomes an essential part of their development” says Noel McDermott, psychotherapist...
Back to school after a pandemic
My little boy is back at school! I can’t quite believe it but my Son is now officially back at school! He is in Yr6...
Top Tips for School Starters
With kids across the country going back to school, or starting for the first time, Charlotte Gater, Head of Curriculum...
Getting Children with Special Needs Ready for School
Both children and parents are met with challenges when it’s time for their child to go back to school; however, for...