If you’re tempted not to pay, you need to weigh up the consequences, which can be severe: • Each...
Child Maintenance Options
What to do if you can’t make CSA (CSM) payments
The information below is relevant to parents who use the Child Maintenance Service (CMS) as opposed to parents who...
If you think your payments are unfair
At Dad Info, we speak to lots of separated parents who feel that they are treated unfairly, especially around child...
Understanding how the CSA works
Please note the CSA is being phased out, the information below is relevant to existing claims. New child maintenance...
Here at DAD, we know you want to do right by your kids, and that means giving them the financial support they...
Child Maintenance Options
Want more information on child maintenance? Child Maintenance Options is a free and confidential service to help child...
Child Maintenance FAQ’s
Which children are covered by child maintenance? Child Support law governs the level of child maintenance that should...
Using the Courts
The final option for arranging child maintenance and enforcing payments comes through the courts. This can differ...
Child Support Agency arrangement
A family arrangement isn’t for everyone. If you don’t know where the other parent is, you don’t have a good...