One of the main problems within step families is who disciplines whose children. The simple thing is to sit down with...
Month: December 2016
I don’t love my step children as much as I think I should, is this wrong?
One of the biggest myths which surrounds step families and step parenting is that you will come to love your step...
One of my step children doesn’t like me, what should I do?
It is human nature to want to be liked. When you are taking on the role as a stepdad and wanting to build a supportive...
How to support your step children when their biological father does not want contact
One of the most common and heart-breaking topics I’m asked about is dealing with stepfamily situations where the...
Your step children’s biological father – how to cope with the dynamic
Step families can be complicated, not least as you may have to regularly deal with, or discuss, someone who most men...
What about when a new baby joins your step family?
Many step families at some point consider, or choose to have, an ‘ours’ baby – a new baby with your new partner. How...
What is your role as a step dad?
Being a dad can be tricky at the best of times, but the role of step dad comes with its own very unique set of...
Getting to know your step children
As a step-parent, you may be conscious that you want, and need, to get to know your step children, in order to build a...
Making your children part of your family, when they don’t live with you
One million fathers in the UK don't live with their children. Break-up, divorce, remarriage and re-partnering have all...