Sometimes as a non-resident parent what you really miss are the little incidental moments with your children. Last...
Month: September 2013
Why should you quit smoking? Well to state the obvious, smoking is bad for your health and the...
My parents always told me time goes by more quickly when you have children. I didn't believe them, but like many...
Machiavelli’s take on parenthood
I watched a little bewildered as a naked five year old boy ran through the dining room laughing like a banshee. Arun’s...
Play Value
In my early twenties I had a conversation with an American comedian and friend, Aye Jaye about his children. We...
Ouchy Knee
You probably don't know this... I mean why would you?... but for the past few months I've been suffering with patella...
Picassos, Matisses or just Pollocks
“Oh, hold on,” said Nicola, one of the staff at my daughter Meri’s nursery, “I think she’s had a clear out of her...
The Art of Washing Up
As a boy I remember that Sunday Lunch would often mean me and my brother fighting over washing up - one washes one...
Six things about having two
I've recently noticed that I now have two children (I know...I'm a bit slow). A 100% increase. I'm not sure if I've...