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2 homes, one priority: your child - Join the free Parenting After Separation course

Month: January 2013

Carry on Arun

Carry on Arun

Clare and I were settling down for the evening in front of a fire with a glass of wine. The baby monitors were on and...



My little boy is growing up. In February Arun will be five years old and this means we need to start thinking about...

Snow Time!!

Snow Time!!

7.23am and I have just received a text from the children's school saying that because of possible weather conditions...

Workplace Pensions

Workplace Pensions

As the population grows older most of us can look forward to around 20 years in retirement. This is good news. A...

Just do as I say

Just do as I say

One night last night, we were getting ready for bath time. I was helping Arun get undressed and I said to Meri, my...

IKEA Facts

IKEA Facts

So I am in bed reading a Book of 1227 facts, and I notice the following fact … 27 Million bibles are printed a year....

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