How much time can you take off when the baby comes? And what will you be paid? Here’s what you need to know…
How much leave will I get?
If you qualify, you can choose to have one or two weeks’ paternity leave.
You choose when you take the leave but it cannot start before your baby is born, and must end within 56 days of the birth.
You can take your paternity leave from the birth date if the baby is born early.
Employees with more than one year’s service can take (unpaid) parental leave as well as paternity leave to have more time off.
How much money will I get?
Unless your employer is more generous, you will receive Statutory Paternity Pay (SPP). This is a maximum of £140.98 a week in tax year 2017-18 or 90% of your average weekly earnings, whichever is lower.
If you are on a very low wage and earn less than the National Insurance lower earnings limit (£113 in 2017-18) you will not be paid SPP, but can still take the leave.
You may be able to claim Income Support if you have no income because you are taking paternity leave without pay.
Some employers offer better terms than these so you should check your contract and speak to your employer.
Find out more about your paternity leave rights and entitlement with Dad.Info:
Who’s eligible and how do I get it?
Updated: September 2017